Welch Allyn Connex Central Station - User Manual User Manual

Page 13

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WARNING Ensure that all audio cables are installed and connected and
that the volume settings are not set too low or are not set to mute as these
factors may cause you to miss audible alarms generated from the central
station. Make this inspection on a daily basis.

WARNING Whenever possible, do not rely on visual alarm notifications
alone while monitoring patients. If you must rely on visual alarm
notifications, maintain a clear line of sight with the central station or the
patient monitor. For audio alarm notifications, set the volume as needed
considering the environment and ambient noise levels. Verify that the alarm
is audible to a clinician working at the maximum distance from the central
station or the patient monitor.

WARNING If a central station display is intentionally or inadvertently
muted, alarm tones do not occur at the display. Remain aware of when
audible tones are occurring. If they appear to have stopped, ensure that
tones are restored.

WARNING If normal central processing unit (CPU) operation is interrupted,
for example, during CPU maintenance, scheduled and unscheduled
restarts, or power loss, central station monitoring temporarily stops.

The central station cannot collect patient review data during the

interruption period. That data becomes permanently unavailable. The

patient monitor is the primary alarm and must be working before any

monitoring is performed.

WARNING Auto-restarts occur and wireless connection is occasionally
disrupted. During this period, the bedside monitors continue to provide
their primary alarming functions. Auto-restarts occur infrequently, due to
poor environmental conditions. Failure to perform preventative
maintenance can increase the frequency of occurrence.

WARNING Whenever an interruption in the central station CPU operation
occurs, ensure that your entire system has returned to normal operating
condition, that the system does not require further service, and that all
patient monitors are connected to the system.

WARNING Central monitoring is not a substitution for frequent patient
assessment by attending clinicians, or a substitute for the primary alarming
that occurs at the patient monitor.

WARNING The bedside patient monitor is the primary alarming source for
the patient and the central station is a backup alarm source. The central
station is only as reliable as its network and should be relied on only as a
backup alarming device.

WARNING The electronic medical record system (EMR) is not intended to
serve as a primary monitoring system for alarms or as an exclusive source
for patient data in determining patient care. The central station is capable of
transferring patient historical data to most customer-specified EMR
systems, but the transferred historical patient data at the EMR is not a
substitute for current patient data available at the primary monitoring
system for clinical decisions.

Directions for use

About warnings and cautions 7