Glossary of terms, Glossary of terms -10, Tm 262 – Welch Allyn TM 262 Auto Tymp - User Manual User Manual

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TM 262


Revised 4/11/08

Glossary of terms

Tympanometry - an objective measurement of middle-ear mobility and middle-ear pressure
through the use of a low frequency sound (probe tone) and air pressure changes.

Tympanogram - the tracing which depicts the results of tympanometry.

Compliance Peak - the point of maximum mobility in a tympanogram which indicates the
degree of mobility within the middle-ear system.

Pressure Peak - pressure value where maximum mobility occurs in a tympanogram. This
pressure value approximates the pressure within the middle-ear space.

Normal Box - range of pressure peak and compliance peak values associated with normal
middle-ear function. (-150 daPa to +100 daPa, 0.2 cm


to 1.4 cm


per ASHA, 32, Supl. 2, 1990,


Ear Canal Volume - volume measured between the tip of the probe and the tympanic
membrane at the starting pressure for a tympanogram.

Probe Tone - low pitch (226 Hz) tone used to measure middle-ear mobility.

Acoustic Reflex - reflex arc elicited in the presence of very loud sounds which cause a decrease
in middle-ear compliance as a protective mechanism for the cochlea.

Ipsilateral Acoustic Reflex - the acoustic reflex elicited when the stimulus is presented to the
same ear where the response is measured.

Manual Threshold Audiometry - a hearing test performed with a variety of frequencies and
intensities without the use of masking to determine if an individual can hear.