Balancing the pedestal, Balancing the pedestal –14 – Vinten Radamec SP-2000 Pedestal User Manual

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User Manual

Balancing The Pedestal

Balancing can only be done with the full payload mounted.

CAUTION: If the payload is changed for any reason, the col-
umn must be rebalanced.

The column balance should be checked daily. If gas needs to be added after a
balance check, use the procedure in the previous section.


Switch the MCB controller to Local mode and twist the joystick to raise the
column to approximately the middle of its range. Make sure that all cables
and equipment such as the prompter are in their normal operating positions.


Twist the MCB joystick to move the column up and down slowly around its
mid point and watch the balance meter on the rear panel of the pedestal.


If the column is balanced, the meter deflection will be equal in both direc-
tions. If the deflection is greater when the column is raised, the pressure is
too low and gas should be added (use step 4). If the deflection is greater
when the column is lowered, the pressure is too high and gas should be dis-
charged (use step 5).


Briefly open the main valve on the gas tank to add gas and then recheck
balance. Continue adding a little gas at a time until balance is achieved. Go
to Finishing Up.


Briefly open the Purge Valve on the manifold to release a little gas and then
recheck balance. Continue releasing a little gas at a time until balance is
achieved. Go to Finishing Up.

Balance Meter