Rice Lake DWM-IV Weighmeter Standard Operators Manual User Manual

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FILEd The programmed data will have been saved or discarded after this message

is displayed. Return the CAL switch S1 to the OFF position and the display will

return to the normal mode of operation.

Error Codes During Calibration

The following error messages (CE1 to CE5) are shown on the display if the system

detects an error:

CE1 Insufficient test weight. Value must be greater than or equal to 5% of Full

Scale Capacity.

CE2 Full Scale Capacity will exceed internal A/D counts. Remedy by lowering gain

on A/D circuit board and/or lowering Full Scale Capacity weight (Step Empty

Scale). Deadload may be too high initially. Add a resister (50k–500k ohm) between

+EXC (TB1, pin 7) and -SIG (TB1, pin 1) on A/D circuit board.

CE3 Insufficient A/D counts for resolution selected. Remedy by increasing gain on

A/D circuit board or increasing the Increment Size (Step F6.1). Deadload may be

too high initially. Add a resister (50k–500k ohm) between +EXC (TB1, pin 7) and -

SIG (TB1, pin 1) on A/D circuit board.

CE4 Motion detected during delay period. Ensure that the scale base is not bumped

or unstable during calibration.

CE5 The scale has gone into overcapacity, undercapacity, or negative during delay

period. Check load cell connections and polarity of leads. Gain may need to be

lowered as described with CE2 above.

Press the [PRINT] button to continue.

Error Displays

OLOAd -Applied weight has exceeded 102% of Full Scale Capacity.

- - - - - - - Top dashes indicate maximum A/D counts exceeded.

LO CAP -Scale has gone below 200 A/D counts.

_ _ _ _ _ _ -Bottom dashes indicate incoming load cell signal is the wrong polarity.

Check that signal leads are not reversed. If weight indication returns with more

applied weight then deadload is insufficient. Remedy by adding a high-quality

resistor (50k-500k ohm) between +EXC (TB1, pin 7) and +SIG (TB1, pin 2).

bAd CAL -This error indicates that re-calibration and set-up is necessary.

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