Rice Lake DWM-IV Weighmeter Standard Operators Manual User Manual

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Used to control the automatic ZEROING of the scale. It will automatically track small

drifts in weight such as caused by small amounts of debris, rain, or thermal drift.

Tracking width sets how much drift can be automatically zeroed out. Example, if you

have a truck scale with 20 lb increments and your tracking width is set to 3, anything that

weighs 60 lb or less will be zeroed out. This may not be desirable if you are using your

system for filling/batching and have a very slow fill rate or if you are trying to weigh

very small items (which is not recommended) as the tracking may happen faster than you

are filling and will cause it to appear that the scale is not working.

F1.6 - 2% Zero Range

Will prevent the scale from being “Zeroed” if the reading is more than 2% of the capacity

set in F6. Useful to prevent accidental re-zeroing and subsequent restarting of batch

systems when a batch is already being processed.

F1.7 Right Hand Keyboard Enable

Turns on/off the right hand side of the keyboard. Has no effect on the four (4) function

buttons under the display.

F1.8 Output Options

Controls the function of the J4 connector on the mother board. Should be disabled if not

used as it will slow down the system.

F1.9 High Resolution Mode

Allows you to bypass the normal four (4) raw counts per digit requirement that would

limit you to about 24,000 display units. You should not use this unless necessary as

neither the internal circuitry of the A/D board nor the load cells connected to it were

designed for such extremes.

F2.0 Tare Enable

Controls whether or not the front panel [TARE] button will operate. The tare function

should be used to remove an empty container weight without having to zero the scale.

When the [TARE] button is pushed the scale will enter the tare weight automatically and

switch to the net mode. You can switch between the gross mode and net mode using the

[GROSS/NET] button.

F2.1 Tare Interlock

Prevents the tare from being cleared if the scale is not at zero. Used mostly to prevent the

accidental clearing of the tare value while it is still in use.

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