Rice Lake DWM-IV Weighmeter Standard Operators Manual User Manual

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2 - Print will occur if not in motion and positive at the time Print button is pressed.

3 - Auto print after motion and positive weight is above value specified in F4.3 below

and change greater than the value specified in F4.2 below has occurred.

F4.1 Continuous Data Format

d - Continuous output disabled.

1 - Status, weight, and tare data sent.

2 - Z660 Scoreboard output.

3 - Remote display, RD-IV, output.

4 - Straight ASCII output only with preamble and postamble sent.

F4.2 Weight Change Percentage

The following values specify the percentage change of Full Scale Capacity before the

auto print latch is re-armed.

Choices: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25%

F4.3 Minimum Print

Digits above zero before auto print is latched.

Choices: 0, 10, 20, 30

F4.4 Bidirectional Communications

d - Bidirectional communications disabled.

1 - Bidirectional communications to customer computer enabled and configured for half-

duplex operation. Information sent to the weigh meter is not echoed.

F4.5 Weight Data Format

0 - Displayed weight only.

1 - Single line Gross, Tare, Net.

2 - Multiple line Gross, Tare, Net.

3 - Status, Weight and Tare.

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