Rice Lake DWM-IV Weighmeter Standard Operators Manual User Manual

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When this setting is enabled, only the fast feed relay is initially energized. The fast feed

relay is de-energized and the slow feed relay is simultaneously energized when the

weight reaches the preset minus the dribble value. The slow feed relay is de-energized

when the preset weight minus the preact is reached.

F2.9 Invert Relays

If enabled the On/Off function of the output relays (J7) is reversed. The relays will be off

below the presets and turn on as they are reached. Exception: relays “K7” and “K8” (fill

complete and zero interlock) are not affected by this setting.

F2.A Parallel Feed

Allows presets to operate independently of each other. In this mode presets can be set to

any value. It is not necessary for each preset to be of a higher value than the one before it.

Each output will operate as if it were the only one. If disabled the outputs operate

sequentially. First preset one (1) and then preset two (2), then preset three (3), etc. The

value of each preset must be higher than the one before it for the system to operate


F3.0 Baud Rate

Used to set the baud rate (speed) of all serial ports. Serial data is available at TB2 and J6

on the mother board. This must be set the same as the device to which it is connected.

F3.1 Parity

The checksum bit used in serial communication. It can be even, odd or none. This is also

where you would set the number of data bits (7 or 8). This must be set the same as device

to which it is connected.

F3.2 Checksum

This checksum is for an entire data stream (one line of print, etc.) as opposed to parity

which is for one character. It is used during communications to verify that the received

data contains no errors.

F3.3 Delay After Carriage Return/Line Feed

Used to cause the system to pause after a carriage return. Needed with some devices to

allow the data which was just sent to be processed (such as some older printers without

buffering). If not needed set to “0” as it slows down the system.

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