Rice Lake 920i Installation Manual V4.01 User Manual

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Installation Manual

end-of-life stage.

There is no SDRAM module on the back side
as the memory is now on the main board.

Added two additional DIO points, 5 and 6.

The new boot monitor V1.13 has mapping for
the new memory.

The new board requires minimum version
3.14 or newer. Version 3.14 supports


while 4.xx supports




Version 4.0

Added support for



and removed

support for



NOTE: Version 4.0 requires Rev E CPU board or newer.

Version 3.13

Added a new value to the Print
Formatting section of the manual (see Section
6.1, Table 6-1 on page 60).

Corrected comparisons to reduce the number
of power-up calibrations counted by Audit

Added the speed-up of loading a user program
by only erasing needed memory blocks.

Version 3.10

Error Recovery - version 3.10.00 of the 920i
now has a very sophisticated error recovery
for the battery backed NVRAM. when a Save
and Exit is performed after a Configuration
and Calibration is performed, a copy of the
N V R A M i s s t o r e d i n F l a s h f o r f u t u r e
recovery. If the 920i is powered off at any
t i m e a n d t h e b a t t e r y i s n o t a t p e a k
performance, the NVRAM could come up
with corrupted data. The next time the 920i is
powered up, the NVRAM is tested for a
correct CRC checksum. If this is bad, there
will be a special screen displayed showing the
corrupt locations with directions to press
ENTER to continue. The core will rewrite to
NVRAM using the last copy of the last Save
and Exit. At this time Date and Time are also
checked. It will then open the Date/Time full
screen edit function so the operator can check
the current Date and Time. If correct, all that
is needed is an ENTER key to continue. If
incorrect, the operator can adjust the Date or
Time and then push ENTER to continue.

To ensure the latest copy of NVRAM is
available for a power up, it is recommended
that before powering down the 920i for either
overnight outage or temporary storage, the
unit should be put into setup mode and a Save
and Exit performed which will save a new
copy of the NVRAM. On Legal-For-Trade
units, if this cannot be performed, then the

system will use the last Save and Exit and all
databases and truck data should be uploaded
to a PC prior to powering the 920i down.

Removed the EXIT key during Setup mode.

Added a progress message during the clear of
memory and loading a user program (see
Section 5.6.1 on page 61)

Version 3.09

The battery replacement procedure has been
updated (see Section 2.9 on page 16).

A TOKENS parameter has been added to the
SERIAL menu to allow changing the data
stream tokens from the indicator front panel
(see Section 3.2.2 on page 37).

Values for SWAP parameter on the FLDBUS
menu have been changed to allow greater
flexibility in byte-swapping for fieldbus cards
(see Section 3.2.8 on page 53).

Improved database handling. Database access
by multiple simultaneous requests is now
controlled by allowing one read or write
o p e r a t i o n a t a t i m e , o n a f i r s t - c o m e ,
first-served basis.

Version 3.08

A new value, KBDPRG, on the Port 2 serial
menu allows keyboard scans to be passed
dire ctly to a n

i R i t e

user program (see

Figure 3-8 on page 37).

Support for negative tracking has been added
to the ALGOUT menu (see Section 3.2.7 on
page 52).

A new stream token, Z, has been added to the
stream format status identifiers to
indicate center-of-zero (see Table 10-8 on
page 112).

Version 3.07

Support has been added for the dual-channel
analog output card (PN 103138) and the
ControlNet interface card (PN 103136).

New OVRBASE parameter, on the
REGULAT submenu of the FEATURE menu,
allows specification of calibrated or scale zero
as the base for overload calculation. See
page 47 for more information.

A new top-level menu, FLDBUS, is now
shown if a DeviceNet, Profibus, EtherNet/IP,
or ControlNet is installed.The two parameters
u n d e r t h e F L D B U S m e n u a l l o w b y t e
swapping to be enabled (SWAP parameter)
and for the transfer size of the swapped bytes
t o b e s p e c i f i e d ( D ATA S I Z E ) . S e e
S e c t i o n 3 . 2 . 8 o n p a g e 5 3 f o r m o r e

The default A/D sample rate (SMPRAT
parameter on the SCALES menu) has been