A123 store non bal. 1-5s, A123 store non bal 8s fixed – ProgressiveRC 6 PowerLab User Manual
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of C/20 and max of 15 min timeout for C.V. mode. This preset does not require that
every cell in the battery is charged to exactly 100%. If using A123 1100 mAh or LiFePO4
batteries, Fuel Gauge readout may not be accurate. Default charge rate setting is 2.2A.
Other defaults: discharge rate setting is10A, charge voltage 3.335V/cell, discharge
voltage 3.32V/cell.
A123 Store Non Bal. 1-5s
Special A123 preset (any capacity) designed to storage charge or discharge a non-
balanced battery up or down to 3.335V per cell. PowerLab 6 will automatically determine
whether a charge or discharge process is required. This preset will charge to storage
level and terminates discharge on the lowest cell in the pack. Upon discharge
termination, PowerLab 6 does incorporate CC/CV discharge algorithms for precise
terminating voltage. Manual charge rate setting is required when using this preset and
ranges from 10 mA to 10A. Charge and discharge termination voltage can be
independently adjusted to further assure termination accuracy. Fuel Table is optimized
for A123 2300 mAh batteries. Optimization is for faster charging with termination settings
of C/10 and max of 15 min timeout for C.V. mode. This preset is not capable of charging
every cell in the battery to exactly 100% because it does not have access to individual
cell voltages. Imbalance will be present at the end of charge; however, A123 cells are
not as sensitive to this problem. Nevertheless, charging A123s using the balanced
charge preset(s) is recommended whenever possible. If using A123 1100 mAh or
LiFePO4 batteries, Fuel Gauge readout may not be accurate. Default charge rate setting
is 2.2A. Other defaults: discharge rate setting is 10A, charge voltage 3.335V/cell,
discharge volt-age 3.32V/cell.
A123 Store Non Bal 8s Fixed
Special A123 preset (any capacity) designed to storage charge or discharge a non-
balanced battery up or down to 3.335V per cell. PowerLab 6 will automatically determine
whether a charge or discharge process is required. This preset charge to storage level
and terminates discharge on the lowest cell in the pack. Upon discharge termination,
PowerLab 6 does incorporate CC/CV discharge algorithms for precise terminating
voltage. Manual charge rate setting is required when using this preset and ranges from
10 mA to 10A. Charge and discharge termination voltage can be independently adjusted
to further assure termination accuracy. Fuel Table is optimized for A123 2300 mAh
batteries. Optimization is for faster charging with termination settings of C/10 and max of
15 min timeout for C.V. mode. This preset is not capable of charging every cell in the
battery to exactly 100% because it does not have access to individual cell voltages.
Imbalance will be present at the end of charge; however, A123 cells are not as
sensitive to this problem. Nevertheless, charging A123s using the balanced charge
preset(s) is recommended whenever possible. If using A123 1100 mAh or LiFePO4
batteries, Fuel Gauge readout may not be accurate. Default charge rate setting is
2.2A. This is an example of a fixed-count preset. It will not auto-detect the cell count
of a battery pack. It is designed specifically for an 8 cell A123 pack. If your A123
pack has a different number of cells, copy this preset to an EMPTY preset slot,
rename it, and alter the “Cells” parameter found in the “Detection” tab of the CCS.
Otherwise, you may find an A123, fixed cell preset already designed for your battery
in the Preset Library of the PowerLab 6 or within the CCS. Other defaults: discharge
rate setting is 10A, charge voltage 3.335V/cell, discharge voltage 3.32V/cell.