Kontron AT8404 User Manual

Page 114

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Software Description


AT8404 User Guide

Configuring SNMP traps

Sending SNMP traps from the AT8404 carrier can be configured either from FASTPATH CLI or using SNMP.

The following example configures an SNMP trap for PLL state changes (for information about IPMI sensor
definition, see “OEM sensor description” on page 62.).

• Configure SNMP trap receiver (example: Trap name: testtrap, IP-address:

(Ethernet Fabric) configure
(Ethernet Fabric) (Config)#snmptrap testtrap ipaddr

• Enable the generation of traps (for a PLL status change). Please note, there are other traps that are en-

abled by default (e.g. Link Up/Down trap)

(Ethernet Fabric) (Config)#snmp-server enable traps pll
(Ethernet Fabric) (Config)#exit

• Check for correct trap settings

(Ethernet Fabric) #show trapflags

Authentication Flag............................ Enable
Link Up/Down Flag.............................. Enable
Multiple Users Flag............................ Enable
Spanning Tree Flag............................. Enable
PLL Traps...................................... Enable
ACL Traps...................................... Disable
Captive Portal Flag............................ Disable

For additional information on how to use the CLI commands, refer to the” AT8404 CLI Reference Manual”.

Configuring traps using SNMP ( is the Mgmt IP address of the AT8404 carrier):

Create new trap server with any name (new table entry)

snmpset agentSnmpTrapReceiverCreate.0 s "testtrap"

Configure the ip address of the trap server and enable it (related to table index

= 0)


snmpset agentSnmpTrapReceiverIPAddress.0 a
snmpset agentSnmpTrapReceiverStatus.0 i active

• Enable the generation of traps (for a PLL status change)

snmpset pllTrapFlag i enable

• For creating and configuring a second trap-server(table index =1)

snmpset agentSnmpTrapReceiverCreate.0 s "testtrap2"
snmpset agentSnmpTrapReceiverIPAddress.1 a
snmpset agentSnmpTrapReceiverStatus.1 i active

for using all MIBs in the given directory with SNMPv2:

-v 2c -c private -M /usr/share/snmp/mibs:/home/rhoyler/proj/SNMP/FP5MIBS -m +ALL