Take the picture, Flash exposure compensation – Canon EOS 7 User Manual

Page 81

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background image

Flash Photography with an EX-Series Speedlite

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to copyright restrictions

Take the picture.

■ Compose the shot and take the


' Normaiiy, use the center focusing

point for FE lock.

For this picture, the flash exposure

was locked on the face and then

the picture was recomposed. The
subject was exposed correctly

without being affected by the

background reflection.

o If the subject is too far away to obtain a correct flash exposure, the < V > icon will

blink. Get closer to the subject and follow steps 2 and 3 again.

BBit C.Fn-8-1 enables FE lock with the user-selected focusing point, (-^page 89)

^ Flash Exposure Compensation

Setting flash exposure compensation with the camera is described in

“Flash Exposure Compensation” on page 76.

Flash exposure compensation can also be set with the following

Speedlites: 550EX, 540EZ, 430EZ, and Macro Ring Lite MR-14EX.
• Flash exposure compensation can be set in the Creative Zone modes.

W If flash exposure compensation is set with both the camera and external, EOS-

dedicated Speedlite, the Speedlite's setting will override the camera's.