Dep depth-of-field ae 41 – Canon EOS 7 User Manual

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DEP Depth-of-field AE








If the aperture display blinks, the desired depth of field will not be obtained.

(However, you can still take the picture and obtain a correct exposure,) Either

use a wide-angle lens or move away from the subject and repeat from step 3.

^ I ^

• If the “30""shutter speed and the lens'

maximum aperture (smallest f-number)

blink, the scene is too dark for using

depth-of-field AE.

■ If the “ WOOD ” shutter speed and the lens'

minimum aperture (largest f-number)

blink, the scene is too bright. Use a

' ‘ '

neutral density (ND) filter to reduce the

amount of light entering the camera.

■ When using a zoom lens, do not change the zoom focal length while using the

depth-of-field AE mode.

• After setting one or two DEP points, do not change the focusing point. Doing so

will cancel the DEP point(s) that you have set and you will have to start over
with the newly selected focusing point.

• Depth-of-field AE cannot be used if the lens focus switch is set to or

. The result will be the same as using Program AE.

• Depth-of-field AE cannot be used with flash. If flash is used, the result will be

the same as using Program AE with flash.

• If depth-of-field AE is used with a lens having a focusing limiting switch (like the

EF 300mm f/2.8L IS USM), set the switch to the maximum focusing distance



To cancel the depth-of-field AE mode before taking the picture, turn the

Command Dial to any setting except < DEP >.
To check the depth of field (^page 57) while using depth-of-field AE, set DEP

points 1 and 2 and press the shutter button halfway. Then press the depth-of-
field preview button.

If a slow shutter speed is set, use a tripod to prevent camera shake.

To further increase the depth of field, use a wide-angle lens.

Setting DEP points 1 and 2 at the same point on the subject will make the

depth of field shallow. The foreground and background will then be blurred,

making the subject stand out. Using a telephoto lens enhances this effect.