Fully automatic shooting – Canon EOS 7 User Manual

Page 27

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Bas'C ‘

For quick and easy picture-taking, this

section describes the Command Dial's

Basic Zone modes: <0>, <’?»>, ,

<№>, <í5,>, and . These modes
set all the camera settings automatically.
All you do is point the camera and press

the shutter button.

Also, these modes override the
camera’s <¿Ci>, <


>. and AF Mode

dials, film advance mode lever (except

), and buttons (except ,
< Qsi >, and the shutter button). This is

to prevent spoiled shots caused by

accidental operation of camera controls.

Fully Automatic Shooting

In the Basic Zone modes except

and <í^>, the built-in flash
pops up and fires automatically

under low-light or backlit conditions,

(^page 74)

' The settings automatically set by

the Basic Zone modes are shown in
the “Feature Availability Table" on

page 92.