Dell 2355dn Multifunction Mono Laser Printer User Manual

Page 119

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Toner Save

Selecting this option extends the life of your toner cartridge and reduces your
cost per page without a significant reduction in print quality.


You also change Toner Save in the Printer Settings Utility.



This feature is available only when using the PostScript (PS) driver.

Negative Effect: allows users to print a negative of image by reversing the
values for black and white.

PostScript Options This feature is available only when using the PostScript (PS) driver.

Output Option: This option allows you to select the output format for
PostScript files.

Optimize for Speed: General format for PostScript files.

Optimize for Portability: Creates a file that conforms to the Adobe Document

Structuring Conventions (ADSC). This is a useful format to use when you want
to create a PostScript file and print it on a different machine.

Encapsulated PostScript (EPS): Creates a file as a image. This is a useful

format to use if you want include the file as an image in another document that
will be printed from a different program.

Archive Format: Creates a PostScript file you can use it later.

PostScript Language: This option allows you to choose the PostScript language

Send PostScript Error Handler: If this option is checked, the machine prints an
error page when an error occurs during printing.


If you click Reset, settings in the options returns to the default


