Warranty and return policy information, Other documents you may need, Duudqw\dqg5hwxuq3rolf\,qirupdwlrq – Dell Inspiron 3500 User Manual
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Appendix C, “Regulatory Notices,” is for users who are interested in which regu-
latory agencies have tested and approved the Dell Inspiron 3500 portable
Appendix D, “Warranty, Return Policy, and Year 2000 Statement of Compliance,”
describes the warranty and return policy for your Dell computer.
Dell Computer Corporation (“Dell”) manufactures its hardware products from parts
and components that are new or equivalent to new in accordance with industry-stan-
dard practices.
For information about the Dell warranty and return policy, see Appendix D, “Warranty,
Return Policy, and Year 2000 Statement of Compliance.”
2WKHU'RFXPHQWV Besides this Reference and Troubleshooting Guide, the following online documentation is included with your computer: The Windows-based System User’s Guide contains essential information you need to use your portable computer. Look for the Online Guide icon on The Dell Service and Support Policies provides information about service and support policies, guarantees, and warranties (in the United States only). You may also have one or more of the following documents. NOTE: Documentation updates are sometimes included with your computer to The Dell-Installed Microsoft Windows 98 Setup Guide, which describes how to set up the Microsoft Windows 98 operating system on your Dell computer. Microsoft Windows 98 operating system documentation is included if you Documentation is included with any options you purchase separately from your “Readme” files may be installed on your hard-disk drive to provide last-minute
the desktop.
Look for the Dell Services and Support Policies icon in the Dell Accesso-
ries folder.
describe changes to your computer or software. Always read these updates before
consulting any other documentation because the updates contain the latest information.
ordered your operating system from Dell. This documentation describes how to
configure and use your operating system software.
computer. This documentation includes information that you need to configure
and install these options in your Dell computer.
updates about technical changes to your computer or advanced technical refer-
ence material intended for experienced users or technicians.