Figure 8 – Dell OptiPlex GX1 User Manual

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Using the ISA Configuration Utility: Dell OptiPlex GX1 and GX1p Midsize Managed PC Systems

file:///C|/infodev/2013/eDoc/OpGX1/SIG/utility.htm[2/21/2013 12:07:21 PM]

Figure 8. Specify Interrupt List Box

If none of the values for the DMA or IRQ resources match the allowable values for your unlisted card
(as indicated in the card's documentation), select one of the available values offered by the utility and
click OK.

If you are providing values for the input/output (I/O) port or memory resources, you must enter the
starting and ending addresses in hexadecimal format using the two fields provided by the Specify
Memory or Specify I/O Port dialog box (see

Figure 9

). Click each box in succession to enter the

beginning and ending addresses, and then click OK to complete the selection.

Figure 9. Specify I/O Port Dialog Box

8. When you have finished selecting resources for the unlisted card, click OK in the Configure

Unlisted Card dialog box.

A message box appears notifying you either that the card is using its defaults or that it cannot use its
defaults and must be reconfigured.

9. Click OK. If the card must be reconfigured, record the resource settings recommended by the

ICU. Click Close to accept the resource settings currently displayed.

10. If you had to assign a disallowed resource value to the card in steps 7, 8, and 9, click each of

the other cards, and then click View until you find another card using a resource value that is
allowed for the unlisted card. Reassign the resource setting for this other card using the
procedure in "

Modifying a Card

." Then modify the resource settings for the unlisted card so

that it uses an allowable value.