Viewing rpdu system information, Monitoring input statistics – Dell Metered PDU LCD User Manual
Page 83
Web Interface Operation
Viewing rPDU System Information
To view rPDU system information:
From the
Power Management
menu, click
. The Information page displays.
Review the
Present Values
This procedure is completed.
Figure 39. PDU Information
Monitoring Input Statistics
To view input readings or change rPDU warning thresholds:
From the
Power Management
menu, click
. The Input page displays.
Review the present input values for the rPDU, input power statistics, and input thresholds (see Table 28
and Figure 40).
If you reset values for power statistics, you must click Reset before leaving this screen or the change will not be
preserved. If you change input threshold values, you must click Save to save your changes (see Table 28).
This procedure is completed.
Table 28 describes the attributes in the Input Statistics tables.
Table 28. Input Statistics
Present Values
(Phase 1, Phase 2,
and Phase 3)
PDU Input Voltage (V)
Present voltage reading for Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase
3, displayed in Volts (V).
PDU Input Current (A)
Present current reading for Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase
3, displayed in Amps (A). A meter bar provides a visual
representation of the reading.
PDU Over Current State
Present current reading compared to the value set as the
over current warning threshold. Either no threshold is
triggered, or the threshold has been surpassed.
Present Values
PDU Input Frequency (Hz)
Present frequency measured at the input of the rPDU.
PDU Input Active Power (W)
Calculated value of the overall input wattage of the
rPDU, reported in Watts (W). A meter bar provides a
visual representation of the reading.
PDU Input Apparent Power (VA)
Calculated value of the overall input volt-amperes (VA)
of the rPDU.