Dell Inspiron 3500 User Manual

Page 26

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When the files have been copied to the hard-disk drive, Windows 98 prompts you to restart the system.

18. Click OK to restart the computer.
19. In the User Information window, type your name and, if applicable, your company name, then click Next>.

The Name field must be completed. The Company Name is optional.

20. Read the license agreement, click I accept the agreement, and then click Next>.

If you do not accept the agreement, you cannot access Windows 98. After you accept the license agreement, the Product Key window appears.

21. Find the Product Key on the Certificate of Authenticity on the front cover of the Getting Started/Microsoft Windows 98 document, enter the Product Key in

the fields provided, and then click Next>.

22. When the Start Wizard appears, click Finish.

A series of windows appears to inform you that Windows 98 is setting up hardware, initializing drivers, and detecting hardware and Plug and Play devices.
Windows 98 restarts the system and detects additional hardware settings.
The Windows 98 Setup window appears and lists which items Windows 98 is setting up.
Windows 98 updates the system settings and restarts the system.

The Welcome to Windows 98 screen appears.

After installing Windows 98 on your computer, you need to install the following device drivers:


Video driver


Internal modem driver


Audio driver


Touch pad driver

Installing the Video Driver

The video driver controls features such as screen resolution and the number of screen colors.

To install the video driver, perform the following steps:

1. Insert the Dell Inspiron 3500 System Software CD into the CD-ROM or optional DVD-ROM drive.
2. Click Start, point to Settings, and click Control Panel.
3. In the Control Panel, double-click the Display icon.
4. In the Display Properties screen, click the Settings tab, and then click Advanced.
5. Click the Adapter tab, and then click Change.
6. In the Update Device Driver Wizard screen, click Next>.
7. Click Next> again.
8. Click the Specify a Location checkbox. Uncheck the floppy diskette drive checkbox, and change drive A to D.
9. Click Browse.

10. Double-click the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM icon.
11. Double-click the Video folder.
12. Click OK, and then click Next>.

On the Update Device Driver Wizard screen, the Updated driver (recommended) NeoMagic Magic Media 256AV should be checked.

13. Click Next>.
14. After the driver has been located, click Next>.
15. After Windows has finished installing the updated driver, click Finish.
16. Click Yes to restart the computer.

Changing Video Resolution

To change the video resolution, perform the following steps:

1. When the system restarts, click the Start button, point to Settings, and click Control Panel.
2. Double-click the Display icon and click the Settings tab.
3. Update the Color palette from 256 colors to High Color (16 bit).

4. Set the Screen area to 1024 x 768, and click Apply.
5. Click Apply the new color settings without restarting. Click OK.
6. When a message appears informing you that Windows will resize your computer, click OK.
7. When a message asks if you want to keep the new setting, click Yes.
8. Click Advanced.
9. Click the Monitor tab and click Change.

10. Under models, click Laptop Display Panel (1024 x 768) and click OK.
11. Click Apply and then click OK.
12. Click OK again.

NOTE: This step may take several minutes to complete. The approximate time is displayed on the Windows 98 status bar.

NOTE: If you need to use extended video modes, check the documentation that accompanied the application program to determine if the drivers are

provided. If they are not, contact the software manufacturer to obtain the necessary drivers.

NOTE: After the computer restarts, you may change the video resolution. See the following section, “Changing Video Resolution.”

NOTE: This setting is optimized to DVD.