Deleting a protocol template, Using a new protocol template without saving, Using a saved protocol template – Dako Autostainer User Manual

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If No Pre-rinse is selected at the Options screen, the first rinse buffer is not
displayed (See Initializing, Section 3).

3. Build the new protocol template from the Protocol Elements list. Click on a reagent

in the list, the item is copied to the Protocol Outline list and sequentially numbered.

If Add Rinse to Protocol Steps is selected at the Options screen, rinses are
automatically added after each step, except following a substrate step.

4. To delete a step, select it in the Protocol Outline list. The name is outlined. Select

the Delete Step button.

5. Additional steps can be inserted in the Protocol Outline by highlighting a step and

clicking on the desired step from Protocol Elements. The selected step will be
inserted above the highlighted area in the Protocol Outline.

The Autostainer can accommodate protocol templates containing as many as
35 steps (including rinse steps between reagent incubations).

6. Protocol templates can be used with or without saving. To save a newly created

template select the Save button on the Protocol Template Design screen. The
Save Template window appears with the cursor in the File Name box.

Deleting a Protocol Template

1. Select the Protocol Template button on the Programming Grid.
2. Select the Get Template button and click on the file name of the desired template.
3. Click the Delete Template button. A message asks if you want to delete the selected

protocol template. Click the Yes button.

If the default template is deleted, a new template must be selected from the
Get Template window and saved as the default template.

Using a New Protocol Template Without Saving

1. After a Protocol Template has been created or modified, click the Use Template

button in the Protocol Template Design screen. A dialog box asking “Save on disk
now?” is displayed.

2. Select No and the Programming Grid appears with the new protocol template in the

header row.

If a staining run had already been programmed and the new protocol template
omits previously programmed steps, a warning message is displayed stating that
programmed steps will be discarded if the new protocol template is applied.

Using a Saved Protocol Template

1. Select the Protocol Template button in the Programming Grid.
2. Select the Get Template button, select the template from the choices in the list, and

click OK.

Autostainer Handbook