Dako Autostainer User Manual
Page 18

Printer Selection
To select the proper Seymour printer type on the Design Slide Label screen, scroll
though the printer list using the keyboard arrows or the scroll bar.
Note: If the incorrect printer is selected, error messages display on the screen when
slide or reagent labels are printed. To find the model number of your Seymour Glass
Label printer, check the cover of the printer for a number (e.g.,TPL2642). The last four
digits represent the model number (e.g., 2642).
The Options Screen
The Options button is displayed on the Initialize screen. The Options screen enables
you to select format options for the Programming Grid and IHC Report, in addition to
options for rinsing, and slide layout maps.
Format Program Grid
This function enables you to select format options for the Programming Grid.
Selected items are displayed on the Slide Info screen and the Programming Grid.
Note: Selecting the Comment item creates a column for data entry on the
Programming Grid printout. This column is not displayed on the Programming Grid
IHC Report
Printing options for the IHC Report include:
• One slide ID/page – prints each Slide ID on a separate page
• One case/page – prints one case per page
• No page break – prints continuously all slides for a run
Custom Options
This function enables you to select rinse and blow options and modify the Slide Layout
Map. To activate an option click the corresponding check box.
Delayed Start Water Rinse:
For a delayed start, idle rinses may be performed with water or buffer. If this option is not
selected, buffer will be used for the idle rinse. Note: This option cannot be selected
when the No Pre-Rinse option is selected.
Autostainer Handbook