SARGENT Profile Series v.G1.5 Exit Devices User Manual

Page 9

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For installation assistance, contact SARGENT at 800-810-WIRE (9473)

Turn OFF Audio Beep verification on every Key Depression

99# Master Code*

Yellow LED blinks

30# 0# 0# (Off) (1# = On)

Yellow LED blinks


Yellow LED blinks quickly


Yellow LED blinks slowly (If solid, see note)


Yellow LED goes out

Turn ON Yellow LED verification on every Key Depression

99# Master Code*

Yellow LED blinks

30# 1# 1# (On) (0# = Off)

Yellow LED blinks


Yellow LED blinks quickly


Yellow LED blinks slowly (If solid, see note)


Yellow LED goes out

Set Time

99# Master Code*

Yellow LED blinks

41# hh:mm# (24hr Format) 0#

Yellow LED blinks


Yellow LED blinks quickly


Yellow LED blinks slowly (If solid, see note)


Yellow LED goes out

24Hr Format = 1PM = 13, 2PM = 14.......10PM = 22, Midnight = 00 Example 13:15 = 1:15PM

Daylight Savings Time

99# Master Code*

Yellow LED blinks

30# 13# 1# (On) (0# = Off)

Yellow LED blinks


Yellow LED blinks quickly


Yellow LED blinks slowly (If solid, see note)


Yellow LED goes out

Set Date (Today’s Date)

99# Master Code*

Yellow LED blinks

42# mmddyy# D.O.W.# (Sunday=1)

Yellow LED blinks


Yellow LED blinks quickly


Yellow LED blinks slowly (If solid, see note)


Yellow LED goes out

D.O.W. = Day of week

Set Unlock Time

99# Master Code*

Yellow LED blinks

11# (1-99 sec.)# 0#

Yellow LED blinks


Yellow LED blinks quickly


Yellow LED blinks slowly (If solid, see note)


Yellow LED goes out

The Unlock Time is adjustable for momentary operation. A 5 second unlock time is recommended to extend
battery life. Once the unlock time is entered, it is the same for ALL users except 02.

To Enable/Disable A User

99# Master Code*

Yellow LED blinks

56# 0# (Enable) or 1# (Disable)
(User No. 04-500)#

Yellow LED blinks


Yellow LED blinks quickly


Yellow LED blinks slowly (If solid, see note)


Yellow LED goes out

To Delete A User

99# Master Code*

Yellow LED blinks

50# 1# (User Number 04-500)#

Yellow LED blinks


Yellow LED blinks quickly


Yellow LED blinks slowly (If solid, see note)


Yellow LED goes out

Keypad Programming Instructions for the Profile Series v. G1 Lock

© SARGENT Manufacturing Company

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