Tekmarnet, Address, Access levels – tekmar 553 Thermostat Installation User Manual

Page 46: Cleaning the thermostat

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Section P

When connected to a tekmarNet


system, each thermostat will be automatically given

an address. The address is useful as a troubleshooting tool to locate thermostats with
errors and also allows room naming on a Gateway.
The address consists of the bus water temperature followed by the thermostat device
number. Available buses are b (boiler), 1, 2 and 3. Device numbers range from 01 to
24. If the thermostat is used without a tekmarNet


system control, the bus number is

not shown.
When using the thermostat together with a Gateway, it is important that each address
be changed to be manually set. This allows each thermostat to be named on the
If two thermostats are manually set to the same address, an error message will appear.
The error remains until one of the addresses is manually changed to a vacant address
or to Auto.
It is highly recommended to keep a documented list of thermostat addresses. This is
extremely helpful when troubleshooting errors. The tekmarNet


system control will

display the addresses of thermostats that have errors. By referring to the address
documentation, it simplifies the process to locate and correct error messages.

Access Levels

Section O

The thermostat Toolbox menu supports four access levels: Installer (INST), User
(USER), Limited (LTD), and Secure (SEC). The access level can be adjusted when the
thermostat is unlocked. There are two locations to lock the thermostat:
1. Locally on the thermostat using the Lock switch located in the wiring area.
2. Globally on the tekmarNet


system control using the Lock switch or Access level (if


Both the local and global lock settings must be set to unlock before the thermostat
access level is adjustable.
The selection of the access level is dependent on the use of the building and the type
of occupants.
Installer - Suitable for HVAC installers only. Times out to User access level after 24
User - Suitable for most residential homeowners.
Limited - Suitable for rental properties or commercial buildings where some level of
temperature adjustment is required.
Secure - Suitable for schools, churches, and other public buildings where temperature
adjustment is not desired.

Cleaning the Thermostat

Section Q

Entering the Screen Clean menu allows 30 seconds to clean the thermostat and display
with a moist cloth. Do not use solvents to clean the thermostat.