Tips – DJI Ground Station User Manual

Page 15

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Click DEFAULT to retrieve default parameters.

The Options setting includes both Basic Setting and Data Link Setting.

Basic Setting

Sound: If switch on, there will be alarm sound when the radio signal is bad.

Instrument Board Style: Choose different instrument board style.

Action Setting: Set action number display mode. For example, 3 means that a mark will be

displayed every three action intervals.

Pause Mode Control Interval: Time interval of sending commands to the MC when use joystick or

keyboard in pause mode, the smaller interval, the more fine control.

Target Line: Display a line between aircraft and current target when switch on.

UI Float Tips Show: If selected, the corresponding item(s) will real-time display in the main form.

Voltage of ACE is Servo Voltage while WKM is Motor Voltage.

Data Link Setting

Setting parameters for the communication between MC and GS. Usually just keep DEFAULT parameters.

The waypoint number of one package

Upload one package retry times

Retry one package timeout

UI Float Tips with


A-M V2/Phantom 2

UI Float Tips with ACE