Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk Historian SE ActiveView 3.2 User Guide User Manual
Page 71

For Developers: Administering FactoryTalk Historian ActiveView
specify any of the following paths to change the display (assuming that
http://myserver/mydir1/mydisplay2.pdi and
http://myserver/mydir2/mydisplay3.pdi are valid files):
When the DisplayURL property is set, the control first determines whether
the display is already open. The control caches the last five displays that
are opened (for the current lifetime of the control) in internal memory. If
the display is cached, it is activated.
Otherwise, the control attempts to open the file. If the file is accessed by an
HTTP or FTP protocol, the control attempts to create a cache on the local
hard drive. A cache entry is created in the directory used to store temporary
Internet files. (The location of this directory is an option available through
an Internet browser.) The file is copied to the cache, the cache is
committed, and the file is retrieved from the cache, locking the cache entry.
The file is loaded via the IPersistFile interface of the display. All cache
operations are done using Win32 Internet functions.
If the attempt to locate, cache or load a display file fails, the control
displays an error message in its window and the display is not drawn.
If five displays are already open, the least recently opened display is
closed, thereby destroying the cached display. All open displays are
destroyed when the control itself is destroyed. The five internally cached
displays are not visible to the user. Internet Explorer caches files outside of
the five cached by the control.
To set DisplayURL, include this line in your code:
Pbd1.DisplayURL = "http://www.MyServer.Com/MyDisplay.pdi"