Activeview control methods: aboutbox, Activeview control properties, Builddatestamp property – Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk Historian SE ActiveView 3.2 User Guide User Manual

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FactoryTalk Historian ActiveView User Guide


ActiveView Control Methods: AboutBox

This method displays version information about the control.


This example displays FactoryTalk Historian ActiveView Control
AboutBox from a button on the Web page.

classid = "clsid:4F26B906-2854-11D1-9597-
height = "80%"
width = "80%">

type = "button"
value = "ActiveView Control AboutBox()"
title = "Shows FactoryTalk Historian ActiveView
Display Object's About Box in a separate pop-up Window.">

ActiveView Control Properties

BuildDateStamp Property

The read-only BuildDateStamp property returns the date that the control
was built.


This example sets a TextBox to show the BuildDateStamp of the control: