Change the documentation logo, System capabilities, Trusted – Rockwell Automation T8082 Trusted Toolset Suite User Manual
Page 78: Toolset suite t8082
Toolset Suite T8082
Issue 14 Feb 10
download and run the application. When you change the value on-line, the value is changed in the
Processor, and then the Toolset prompts you to save this change back to the Toolset. Saving this
change back to the Toolset modifies the original Initial value defined in the dictionary. The changed
value in the processor is retained if you ever reboot the processor, or stop and start the application.
Since the change is also saved to the Toolset, if you ever start from scratch with a new processor, the
last change you saved to the Toolset is used as the initial value when the application is downloaded
and run.
8.3. Change the documentation logo
The logo printed on the toolset application documentation is stored in the toolset file exe/printlogo.bmp.
This may be replaced with another appropriate monochrome bitmap. Review the following setting in
the section marked [WSDG1EDT] in the ISA.ini file.
Changing this entry will redirect the toolset to print a different logo on the documentation.
9. System Capabilities
Maximum number of chassis
One processor chassis and four sets of seven expansion chassis.
Maximum number of modules
Not including the main processor or expander processor slots, i.e. 8 in the processor chassis and 12
per expander chassis. The number includes all active module slots, i.e. those not disabled in the
system configuration.
Note that if more than 11 chassis are fitted (128 slots) then some slots must be disabled in the system
configuration to reduce the total below 138. Disabling slots will also slightly reduce the scan time,
although there should be spare slots available for diagnostic purposes. Do not disable slots used as
smart slots.
Maximum variables in any one list
16,000 at release 3.5
This refers to the number of variables displayed in any one tab of the dictionary. The Extended
Attributes compiler (VXA.DLL) has a limit of 16,000 variables per variable type. This means that it will
accept no more than 16,000 booleans, 16,000 analogues etc. Beyond this limit, the Extended
Attributes compiler will fail to prepare the extended attributes data, including SOE collection, Modbus
data presentation and Modbus write protection. This will also prevent intelligent online updates from
working, although the application will still function but without the extended attribute functions.
Maximum system.INI size
Maximum application download
850KB at release 3.5 processor firmware
960KB at release 3.5.1 processor firmware
The application download size approximates to the size of the file appli.x6m in the application folder
after compilation. This includes the object code and online update recipe. A 1MB area (1024KB) is
available for the application and INI downloads.
Maximum scan time
Less than a quarter of the watchdog times
There is no fixed limit to scan times. Scan times of 500ms are possible and are operational in the field.
The watchdog times (maximum scan time, IMB timeout and Watchdog timeout) must be set to allow
for delays during swaps and updates, as long as they do not exceed half of the effective process safety
time as detailed in the Safety Manual. Note that scheduled polling on an I/O module will affect the