Figure 31 module definition window, Trusted, Toolset suite t8082 – Rockwell Automation T8082 Trusted Toolset Suite User Manual
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Toolset Suite T8082
Issue 14 Feb 10
Figure 31 Module Definition Window
The Supported Templates area of the Module Definition windows displays a list of templates
contained in the Template Library generated for the Trusted
System. These templates have been
filtered to only show the categories appropriate for the module. Templates are assigned to the
selected module by highlighting the required template in the Supported Templates area, then
selecting the Add to Module button. Templates are deleted by highlighting the template in the
Templates Included with this module area, then selecting the Remove button.
The Simulation area allows module simulation to be enabled or disabled (default). Partner Chassis
and Partner Slot become active when the Simulate box is enabled allowing the user to identify the
position for a unique Companion Slot position for a standby module. Partner Chassis and Partner
Slot should not be specified for a SmartSlot system, because more than one module may use the
same smart slot. If the same partner chassis/slot is specified for different modules, the MP will remove
the partnering. Therefore, SmartSlot systems should have Partner Chassis and Partner Slot set to 0.
For Companion Slot modules, enter a module in the primary slot. Tick ‘Simulate’ and enter the partner
(secondary) chassis and slot location. Do NOT enter a module in the secondary slot
Enabling Simulate allows the system to start up without the primary module installed. A software
simulation of the module is invoked if the module is not present. Simulation provides a set of default
values for the field inputs corresponding to the default safe-state (logic ‘0’). If the module is present
the system will use the actual module instead of the simulation model. This feature is useful during
system integration as it allows the normal applications to be loaded and tested without a full
complement of I/O modules.
The Partner Chassis and Partner Slot must be specified if the System must be able to start without
the primary module fitted. The secondary module position must always be the adjacent slot to the right
of that occupied by the primary module when using the Companion Slot configuration. When starting
up a system with a secondary module, the simulation model is first opened (inputs signals all report
default safe-state) and the system performs an Active/Standby changeover between the simulated
model and the actual secondary module.