Rockwell Automation 61C542 Voltage Input module User Manual
Page 26

Bit 15 will remain set after a configuration commandis receiveduntil
bits 12 to 15 of the Configuration CommandRegister (register 31) are
reset to zero. When bits 12 to 15 of register 31 are reset to zero, the
Voltage Input module resets bit 15 of register 22, which allows you to
enter another configuration command. If you try to enter another
configuration commandbefore bit 15 of register 22 is reset, error
bits 7 and14 in register 22 will be set.
Channel NumberRegister(Register23)
Register 23 contains the number of the channel to be configured,
read, or reset. Channel numbers can range from 0 to 15. A channel
number outside of this range will be flagged as an error. If two
channels are to be usedas differential inputs, register 23 must
contain the number of the first channel (even number) of the pair;
otherwise, a channel number error will result.
Maximum Scaling Value Register(Register24)
Register 24 defines the upper limit value of the input data. The
module uses this value to perform a linear conversion of the input
data (in an unscaled range of -4095 to +4095) into engineering
units. The value in register 24 must be at least 100 greater than the
value in register 25 or a configuration error will result in register 22.
The value in register 24 is a 15Ćbit plus a signĆbit integer (-32768 to
+32767). At system powerĆup, register 24 is set to a value of 4095. If
you want the input value to be in a scaledformat, you can change
the value in either registers 24 or 25, or both. If you do not change
the values in registers 24 and25, the input value is sent to the
appropriate configuredchannel data register (0 to 15) in an unscaled
Minimum Scaling Value Register(Register25)
Register 25 defines the lower limit value of the input data. The
module uses this value to perform a linear conversion of the input
data (in an unscaled range of -4095 to +4095) into engineering
units. The value in register 25 must be at least 100 less than the value
in register 24 or a configuration error will result in register 22. Note
that if the channel is to be configuredfor unipolar operation (0V to
10V range), the value in register 25 may have to be changedto
reflect input data in the unscaled range of 0 to 4095.
The value in register 25 is a 15Ćbit plus a signĆbit integer (-32768 to
+32767). At system powerĆup, register 25 is set to a value of -4095.
If you want the input value to be in a scaledformat, you can change
the value in either registers 24 or 25, or both. If you do not change
the values in registers 24 and25, the input value is sent to the
appropriate configuredchannel data register (0 to 15) in an unscaled
Numberof Samples Register(Register26)
Register 26 specifies the number of input data samples that will be
averagedtogether. The module maintains a running average of x"
number of input data samples. The value in the register is a 15Ćbit
signedinteger. The default value is one. The maximum allowable
value is 60.