Long camsavetable(long table_number,char *name), Long camunloadtable(long table_number), Camsavetable • camspline • camunloadtable – Rockwell Automation 2098-IPD-xxx Ultra5000 C Programming using the Motion Library User Manual

Page 74

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Publication 2098-PM001E-EN-P — July 2002


Referencing the Motion Library

long CamSaveTable(long table_number,char *name);

Saves a cam table.

• The table_number argument specifies the table number. Valid

tables are one, two, and three.

• The name argument specifies the name of the file. This is the base

filename of the cam file, with the file path and extension added

Returns 0 if successful, or -1 if there was an error.

long CamSpline(long master_position,long follower_position,float
initial_ratio,float final_ratio);

Adds a spline segment to the table.

• The master_position argument defines the master position at the

end of the segment.

• The follower_position argument defines the follower position at the

end of the segment.

• The initial_ratio argument defines the initial ratio between the

master and follower positions.

• The final_ratio argument defines the final ratio between the master

and follower positions.

Returns 0 if successful, or -1 if there was an error.

This function requires one free segment.

long CamUnloadTable(long table_number);

Unloads a cam table.

• The table_number argument specifies the table number. Valid

tables are one, two, and three.

A cam table cannot be unloaded if it is active or queued.

Returns 0 if successful, or -1 if there was an error.