Float axisgetvelerror(void), Long axissetfeedbackoffset(long offset), Long axissetfgain(float fgain) – Rockwell Automation 2098-IPD-xxx Ultra5000 C Programming using the Motion Library User Manual

Page 46: Long axissetigain(float igain), Long axissetkff(float kff), Long axissetkp(float kp), Long axissetlowercurlimit(float limit), Long axissetpgain(float pgain)

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Publication 2098-PM001E-EN-P — July 2002


Referencing the Motion Library

float AxisGetVelError(void);

Returns the velocity error in counts/second.

Note: Velocity error is calculated by subtracting the value of feedback

velocity from the command velocity.

long AxisSetFeedbackOffset(long offset);

Sets the feedback offset of the axis. Offset is programmed in counts.

Returns 0 if successful, or -1 on an error.

long AxisSetFGain(float fgain);

Sets the acceleration feedforward gain.

Returns 0 if successful, or -1 on an error.

long AxisSetIGain(float igain);

Sets the integral gain of the velocity loop in units of 1/second.

Returns 0 if successful, or -1 on an error.

long AxisSetKff(float kff);

Sets the velocity feedforward gain of the position loop.

Returns 0 if successful, or -1 on an error.

long AxisSetKp(float kp);

Sets the proportional gain of the position loop in units of 1/second.

Returns 0 if successful, or -1 on an error.

long AxisSetLowerCurLimit(float limit);

Sets the lower current limit in Amps.

Returns 0 if successful, or -1 on an error.

long AxisSetPGain(float pgain);

Sets the proportional gain of the velocity loop in units of 1/second.

Returns 0 if successful, or -1 on an error.