Program services, Long initmotionlibrary(void), Long programkill(char* name) – Rockwell Automation 2098-IPD-xxx Ultra5000 C Programming using the Motion Library User Manual

Page 55: Long programrun(char* name), Long programstop(char* name), Long sleep(long ms), Program services -15, Program status, Programisrunning • stoprequested

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Publication 2098-PM001E-EN-P — July 2002

Referencing the Motion Library


Program Services

long InitMotionLibrary(void);

Initializes the motion library functions so the program may access
them. If this function is not called, all motion library function calls will

Returns 0 if successful, or -1 on an error.

long ProgramKill(char* name);

Halts execution of the specified program (i.e., motion is not stopped).

Returns 0 if successful, or -1 on an error.

long ProgramRun(char* name);

Initiates execution of the specified program.

Returns 0 if successful, or -1 on an error.

long ProgramStop(char* name);

Sets the StopRequested flag for the specified program (i.e., motion is
not stopped).

Returns 0 if successful, or -1 on an error.

long Sleep(long ms);

Delays program execution for the number of milliseconds specified in
the ms argument.

Returns 0 if successful, or -1 on an error.


If Motion Library functions are used in a program,
this function should be called as the first line of the
program’s main function, and must be made before
calling other Motion Library functions.