Verify rsview remote access – Rockwell Automation 1757-FFLD Linking Device Configuration Manual User Manual
Page 128

Publication 1757-PM002A-EN-E - June 2006
B-8 RSFieldbus Remote Access
It is important that this TagInfo.ini file is used and not the one on the
remote machine, because the RS.HSEOLEServer.0 is using the local
version of the OPC database. The export tags defaults to the version on
the remote laptop every time. You will need to redirect the save location
every time you export tags
Verify RSView Remote Access
To verify that the settings are correct, create a graphic in the Client machine,
which has the RSView software installed. When you attempt to change a
parameter of function block that is loaded and in operation, you should
observe the following:
1. When the Remote Client attempts to connect to the Local Server, it will
launch the RS HSE OLE Server and the RS DD Server, which appear in
the system tray of the Local Server. The launching of these servers can
be also verified by observing the appearance of RSddserver.exe and
RSHseServer.exe in Task Manager (if they were not running initially).
2. When the Remote Client attempts to disconnect from the Local Server,
it will stop the RS HSE OLE Server and the RS DD Server, which will
be removed from the system tray of the Local Server (if they were not
being actively used by the RSFieldbus Server for online monitoring).