Restart the controller, Online with the controller, Upload to the controller – Rockwell Automation 1789-L10_L30_L60 SoftLogix 5800 System User Manual User Manual
Page 41
Rockwell Automation Publication 1789-UM002J-EN-P - December 2012
What is the SoftLogix System?
Chapter 2
Restart the Controller
You restart the controller by either of these methods:
• Restarting the computer
• Removing and reinserting the controller in the virtual chassis
After restarting the controller, you must upload or download from
RSLogix 5000 software before you can go online with the controller. This is
because the RSLogix 5000 project file (.ACD) contains explicit knowledge of the
physical memory addresses used by the controller. When you restart the
controller, all of the physical addresses for the controller are regenerated. Note
that as long as the controller is not restarted, you can go online and offline as
many times as required.
Online with the Controller
You must save the RSLogix 5000 project after a download completes, or you will
not be able to go online with the controller. After downloading, the physical
address information has changed. RSLogix 5000 software prompts you to save
and indicates that a change has occurred even though you might not have made
changes to the project. Saving the project stores the physical address information
into the ACD file.
An upload recovers all of the information that was downloaded to the controller,
including documentation. This is because of the persistent storage feature that
you enable by specifying a periodic save interval (see
). On a download,
the persistent storage copies the entire project file to the controller. The
controller opens and goes online with the project file so that any edits made by
RSLogix 5000 workstations are saved into the persistent image (the controller's
copy of the project file). Online edits are saved to the persistent image
immediately; tag data values are saved to the persistent image at every periodic
save interval (10 min default). If the periodic save is disabled, tag data values are
not saved, but online edits are still saved to the persistent image.
The SoftLogix controller maintains a change log that holds 999 entries. This
means that as you edit an RSLogix 5000 project file, you must save the project file
before you make 999 changes. If you make more than 999 changes to a project,
you will not be able to go back online without performing an upload or
a download.
Upload to the Controller
If your project has edits and you want to upload the project to the controller,
RSLogix 5000 software prompts you to save the project before uploading.
Regardless of your choice, the edits are saved before the upload occurs. This
happens because the edits are already stored in the controller as you make
the edits.