Command mode operation, Diagnostic mode – Rockwell Automation 1746-HSTP1 Stepper Controller Module/ User Manual User Manual

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Publication 999-121 - December 1999

Module Overview 1-3

The Module can be configured to:

• Determine which inputs are used.
• Determine the active level of inputs used.
• Set whether just the encoder marker or a prox limit switch and

encoder marker combination is used for homing.

• Determine if a quadrature encoder will be used.
• Select whether the Module output is a pulse train with direction

command or a CW pulse train and CCW pulse train.

• Select between configuration mode and command mode.

NOTE: Some output combinations are not valid. For example, using
feedback diagnostics and quadrature encoder or using a marker pulse
and a home limit switch. If any invalid combinations are sent, the
configuration error input bit will be set.

Command Mode Operation

All stepper motor operations are performed in command mode.
This mode is entered by setting the mode flag (bit 15 in output
word 0) to 0.

In command mode, the SLC Processor can issue commands and
activate different operations or moves. The actions you can
command are:

• Absolute Moves
• Relative Moves
• Hold Moves
• Resume Moves
• Immediate Stop Operations
• Homing Operations
• Jogging Operations
• Blend Moves
• Preset Operations
• Reset Errors

Diagnostic Mode

Use the configuration mode to select the diagnostic mode of
operation. Once selected, the diagnostic mode allows you to test your
program and wiring by connecting the loop back wires at the
translator. The purpose of loop back diagnostics is to test the system
wiring for electrical noise. The number of pulses received at the
feedback should equal the commanded number of pulses at the end
of the move. If they are not equal, the system may be experiencing
problems due to electrical noise.