Rockwell Automation 1771-TCM TEMPERATURE CONTROL User Manual
Page 44

Configuring the Loops
Publication 1771Ć6.4.5 - January 1997
In this field:
Enter this value:
Run Setpoint
0.0 thru 3276.7
Standby Setpoint
0.0 thru 3276.7
Manual Output Value
-100.00 thru +100.00
SP Ramp Rate
0.00 thru 99.99
/min Ċ If enabled, the rate at which the current set point is increased or decreased to
reach the selected set point.
SP Ramp Enable
Toggles between enable and disable
Max. M Limit
-100.00 thru +100.00% Ċ The maximum M percentage allowable.
Min. M Limit
-100.00 thru +100.00% Ċ The minimum M percentage allowable.
Heat TPO Period
0 thru 100.00s Ċ The period in seconds at which the heat bit is cycled and the M is updated.
Heat Min. On Time
0 thru 100.00s Ċ The minimum time in seconds for which the heat bit is turned on during the TPO period.
If the calculated time is less than this minimum, the heat bit will not be turned on. This on time must be less
than the heat TPO period.
Cool TPO Period
0 thru 100.00s Ċ The period in seconds at which the cool bit is cycled and the M is updated.
Cool Min. On Time
0 thru 100.00s Ċ The minimum time in seconds for which the cool bit is turned on during the TPO period.
If the calculated time is less than this minimum, the cool bit will not be turned on. This on time must be less
than the cool TPO period.
High Temp Alarm
-3276.8 thru 3276.7
Ċ A temperature value at the high end of the sensor limit, but still below the
maximum temperature value.
Low Temp Alarm
-3276.8 thru 3276.7
Ċ A temperature value at the low end of the sensor limit, but still above the minimum
temperature value.
High Deviation Alarm
-3276.8 thru 3276.7
Ċ A value that specifies the greatest deviation above the set point that the process
can tolerate.
Low Deviation Alarm
-3276.8 thru 3276.7
Ċ A value that specifies the greatest deviation below the set point that the process
can tolerate.
Dead Band for Alarms
0.0 thru 10.0
Ċ Once the temperature alarm bits are on, they are kept on until the temperature drops
below the high alarm point by this value rises above the low alarm point by this value. The deadĆband value
applies to all alarms.
C Alarm Rate
-3276.8 thru 3276.7
/s Ċ If the rate of temperature (C) increase is greater than this value, the C rate alarm
is triggered. A value of 0.0 disables the C rate alarm.
Temperature Sensor Type
mV, B, E, J, K, R, S, T
Temperature Sensor Filter
When enabled, the C input is passed through a first order step equivalent lag filter. The filter's time constant
is determined by the value entered in the TC field.
Note: This feature is only supported in Module Firmware Version 3.3 and later.
Temperature Sensor TC
This is the filter time constant for the C input filter, and can range from 0.0 to 9.9 seconds. A setting of 0.0
effectively disables the filter.
Note: This feature is only supported in Module Firmware Version 3.3 and later.
Open Circuit Action
Disable Loop (M=0)
M = On Break M value Ċ The forced M value on TC break.
M = Manual Output value
Open Circuit M Value
-100.00 thru +100.00 Ċ The percentage value to force into the M output when a broken TC is detected.
TIL Configuration
Disable Loop (M=0)
M = On TIL M Ċ The forced M value on thermal integrity loss.
M = Manual Output value
TIL Forced M Value
-100.00 thru +100.00 Ċ The percentage value to force into the M output when thermal integrity loss is
TIL Period
0 thru 100 minutes
TIL Temp. Change
0 thru 100
Auto / Manual
Auto or Manual
Desired System Response
Slow, Medium, Fast, or Very Fast Ċ The system response desired as a result of autoĆtuning. This
selection will be used together with system parameter measured during autoĆtuning to generate the
autoĆtuning gains.
Control Type
Barrel or NonĆBarrel
Inner or Outer
Control Action