Rockwell Automation 1762-IR4 RTD/Resistance Input Module User Manual

Page 98

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Publication 1762-UM003A-EN-P - February 2003

2 Index


effective resolution

1 kHz 3-25
10 Hz 3-21
250 Hz 3-23
500 Hz 3-24
50-60 Hz 3-22
definition G-2
number of significant bits 3-26

electrical noise 2-4
EMC Directive 2-1
engineering units x 1 3-13
engineering units x 10 3-13
error codes 4-7
error definitions 4-5

configuration 4-6
critical 4-4
extended error information field 4-6
hardware 4-6
module error field 4-5
non-critical 4-4

European Union Directives 2-1
excitation connections 1-8
excitation current 1-8, 3-16

definition G-2

extended error codes 4-7
extended error information field 4-6


fault condition

at power-up 1-7


definition G-3

filter frequency 3-16, 3-18, 3-26

and autocalibration 3-33
and channel cutoff frequency 3-18
and channel step response 3-17
and noise rejection 3-17
definition G-3

frequency response graphs 3-18
frequency. See filter frequency.

definition G-3

full-scale range

definition G-3


gain drift

definition G-3

grounding 2-8


hardware errors 4-6
heat considerations 2-4


input data scaling

definition G-3

input image

definition G-3

input module status

under-range flag bits 3-5

input type 3-14

grounding 2-8
heat and noise considerations 2-4

isolation 1-8


last state 3-15
lead compensation 3-27
lead resistance 3-16
LED 4-1
linearity error

definition G-3


definition G-4


microprocessor 1-8
module error field 4-5
module inhibit function 4-8
module scan time

definition G-4

module status

data not valid 3-4
general status bits 3-3
open-circuit bits 3-4
over-range flag bits 3-5

module update time 3-27

definition G-4
fastest 3-27

mounting 2-5–2-7