Rtd compatibility -2, Rtd compatibility – Rockwell Automation 1762-IR4 RTD/Resistance Input Module User Manual

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Publication 1762-UM003A-EN-P - February 2003

1-2 Overview

The following data formats are supported by the module.:


engineering units x 1

engineering units x 10


percent full scale

Available filter frequencies are:

10 Hz

50 Hz

60 Hz

250 Hz

500 Hz

1 kHz

The module uses six input words for data and status bits and five
configuration words. Module configuration is stored in the controller
memory. Normally configuration is done via the controller’s
programming software. In addition, some controllers support
configuration via the user program. Refer to your controller manual
for additional information. See Chapter 3, Module Data, Status, and
Channel Configuration,
for details on module configuration.

RTD Compatibility

An RTD consists of a temperature-sensing element connected by two,
three, or four wires that provide input to the module. The following
table lists the RTD types that you can use with the module, including
their temperature range, effective resolution, and repeatability for both
excitation currents, 0.5 and 1.0 mA.