Fault led’s, Fault description, Fault handling – Rockwell Automation 1336T Master/Slave Parallel AC Drv User Manual
Page 40

1336 FORCE-5.19 – August, 2000
Hand tachometer used to monitor motor velocities.
Programming Device Instruction Manual and Adapter Board
Reference Manuals.
Fault LED’s
Two LED’s on the main control board labeled “Master” and “Slave”
monitor drive operations. When the Slave Drive is in the ready state,
but is not operational the “Slave” LED will blink but the “Enable
Slave” LED will be dark. A correctly operating parallel drive unit will
have all four operational LED’s illuminated (Slave, Master, Enable
Slave, Enable Master).
Fault Description
Two hard faults deal exclusively with Master/Slave problems. These
faults will result in a solid red D5 LED display on the Main Control
Board. All other faults are identical to the Main Control Faults found
in Chapter 6 of the 1336 FORCE User Manual 5.12.
The two five digit faults exclusive to the Master/Slave are:
The M/S Cable Loss fault deals with all loss of control signals
between the two drives. This could include cable problems, connector
problems at TB12 or 13, noise issues that are effecting the control
signals, or the shut down of one of the drives.
The M/S Enable Timeout fault usually occurs if an attempt to start the
Master drive before the Slave occurs or if there is a failure in the slave
Fault Handling
Both Master/Slave faults are hard faults that will shut down the drive
upon ocurrence. It will be necessary to read the Fault Que for each
separate drive using a programming device to determine which drive
initiated the fault, or if the problem originated at the motor or a
controlled device. It is Not necessary to unplug the Master/Slave
cable to isolate the drives when running tests or diagnostics on the
separate drives.
Both of these faults are non-configurable and require a Drive Reset to
remove the fault.
Noise Problems - The most common cause of the M/S Cable Loss
fault is due to noise problems or TE ground loops. Make certain that
TE ground for each drive is isolated from PE. Failure to isolate the
ground can create ground loops that initiate this fault. TE/PE
connection must be low impedance, typically connecting at the end of
the system lineup.
Cable Problems -If the Master/Slave cable itself is suspected of
causing an M/S Cable Loss, check the connectors and the separate
wires in each connector to make certain they are firmly seated at the
screw connections, making good contact at the board and are not
Fault Type
Fault Text
Parameter #
Bit #
CP, Solid Red
M/S Cable Loss
CP, Solid Red
M/S Ena Timeout