Rockwell Automation 1336T Master/Slave Parallel AC Drv User Manual

Page 24

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1336 FORCE-5.19 – August, 2000



Parameter Setup - Drive parameters must be loaded into both the
Master and Slave drives before proceeding with further checks and
setup routines. Series B 1336T Master/Slave drives must have
software version 3.01 or later for both the VP and CP. Load
parameters into both drives as you would normally, noting in
particular that P220 (Base Drive Curr) and Parameter 221 (Base Line
Volt) are Read Only and will be set automatically by each drive upon

As detailed in the following tables, Parameters P53 and P161 thru
P181 must be set to 0 on the Slave Drive.

System Data Block - Parameters 0 thru 8 are independent of
master/slave configuration.

Drive to Drive Interface Data- Parameters 9 thru 25 are independent
of master/slave configuration.

Process Trim Block- Parameters 26 through 39: If process trim will
be used, consult the FORCE user manual for master drive parameter
settings. These parameters have no meaning on the slave drive and
slave drive operation is independent of the value entered. For
consistency, it is recommended that they be set the same as the master

Power-up diagnostics and start diagnostics must be disabled (P59 bits
6, 7 and 8 must be set to zero). These tests may only be run on one
drive at a time (master or slave) and must be run manually through
parameter 256.

NOTE: If you are using a handheld terminal to give start commands,
Parameter 59, Logic Options must be set for a Momentary Start. If
Parameter 59 is set for a Maintained start, the drive will fault on an
autotune failure.

Drive Fault Block - Parameters 80 through 99 should be setup with
the slave settings identical to the master drive settings. It is necessary
to configure these faults as appropriate for the application. Refer to
the FORCE user manual for configuration information.

Example settings may be:

P86 (CP Fault/Warning Configuration Select) = 14

Enable: Precharge Timeout, Bus Drop and Undervoltage Faults.

Drive Logic Block



Master Setting

Slave Setting


Torque Mode Select

0 = Zero Torque
1 = Velocity Regulate
2 = External Torque
3 = Min Select Speed/Torque
4 = Max Select Speed/Torque
5 = Sum Speed and Torque

(Slave in Flux Mode)


Torque Stop Configuration

0 = Normal Mode, Controlled Stop
1 = Torque Mode until Zero Speed Reached
2 = Torque Mode until Zero Torque Reached

Set same as Master Drive


Logic Options

See FORCE User Manual for Options

Set compatible with Master Drive


Stop Dwell

0.0 sec. to 10.0 sec. Typically set at the
default 0.0 sec.

Set same as Master Drive