Rockwell Automation 1336T Master/Slave Parallel AC Drv User Manual
Page 25
1336 FORCE-5.19 – August, 2000
P87 (CP Warning/None Configuration Select) = 17
Enable: Bus Ridethrough Timeout and Bus Drop Cycles Warnings.
P88 (VP Fault/Warning Configuration Select) = 32823
Enable: Inverter Overload Trip, Motor Stalled, Motor Overload Trip,
Motor OverTemperature Tripped, Inverter OverTemp Pending, and
Encoder Feedback Loss Faults.
P89 (VP Warning/None Configuration Select) = 8202
P90 (Absolute Overspeed Threshold) = 10% of motor gear in speed
Enable: Inverter Overload Pending, Motor Overload Pending,
Inverter Overtemp Pending.
P91 (Stall Delay) = 1.0 sec.
P92 = (Motor Overload Limit) = 4096 (100% of IQ for 60 sec.)
P94 = (Service Factor) = 4096 (1.0)
P95 = (Overload Speed 1) = 80% of motor base speed (rpm)
P96 = (Motor Overload Speed 2) = 100% of motor base speed
P97 = (Minimum Overload Limit) = 4096 (100% current)
With parameters in this configuration, the drive will follow a normal
I2T curve.
Velocity Reference Block - Refer to the 1336 FORCE user manual to
set Parameters 100 through 126 for the master drive. Parameters 100-
126 and Parameters 129-133 do not have meaning on the slave drive,
but it is suggested they be set to the same values as the master drive.
Please note the following:
Parameter 102 is a scaling factor that can be used for increased
resolution of the speed reference. Typically, drive systems will be
set so that a reference of 20,000 units to Parameter 101 will be
scaled by Parameter 102 to give an internal speed reference that
equates to the gear in speed for that motor. The formula for P102 in
this configuration is:
P102 = ((8192 x 4096) /20000) x (gearing rpm/base rpm).
P127 and P128 (motor speed limits reverse and forward) must be
compatible on both the master and slave. Normally the slave is set
to the same value as the master.
Parameter 131 should set to 0 (no droop) for the local drive testing.
When tuning is complete return P131 to the normal droop setting.
Velocity Regulator Block - The settings for Parameters 134 through
142 will be configured during velocity tuning. Parameters 134-142 do
not have meaning on the slave drive, but it is suggested they be set to
the same values as the master drive.
Velocity Feedback Block - Parameters 143 through 149 are read
only. Parameters 151 through 160 will be configured on the master
drive during velocity tuning. Parameters 151-160 do not have
meaning on the slave drive, but it is suggested they be set to the same
values as the master drive.