Setting the device instance number, Setting the device instance number -4, R more information, see – Rockwell Automation 22-COMM-B PowerFlex BACnet MS/TP Adapter User Manual
Page 32: Setting the device

Configuring the Adapter
While there are many ways to implement Device Instance and network
strategies, the example shown in
Figure 3.2
illustrates one logical
In this example, two individual Floor Level Networks are connected to
the Building Level Network through a router which allows devices on
each network to share the same MAC address. However, each device on
the network must have a unique Device Instance which, in this case,
consists of 4 digits. The first digit (in bold) represents the Building or
Floor number. The last 3 digits represent the device’s set MAC address.
Figure 3.2 Building Automation Network Example
The Device Instance Number can be a number from 1 to 4,194,302.
When the Device Instance Number is three digits or less, set Parameter
11 - [Device Inst Hi] to “0” (zero) and use Parameter 12 - [Device Inst
Lo] to directly enter the number. When the Device Instance Number is
four or more digits, use Parameter 11 - [Device Inst Hi] to enter the
Setting the Device Instance Number
Bldg 1/Flr 1
MAC Address 1
Device Instance 1001
MAC Address 50
Device Instance 1050
MAC Address 2
Device Instance 1002
MAC Address 127
Device Instance 1127
Controller 1
Floor Level Network 1 (BACnet MS/TP)
Building Level Network 1
Other Brand
Building Automation
Other Brand
Building Automation
Bldg 2/Flr 2
MAC Address 1
Device Instance 2001
MAC Address 50
Device Instance 2050
MAC Address 2
Device Instance 2002
MAC Address 127
Device Instance 2127
Floor Level Network 2 (BACnet MS/TP)
Other Brand
Building Automation
Other Brand
Building Automation
Controller 2
Building Level Network 2