Steriflow Mark 95AA Series User Manual
Mark 95aa series, Sanitary air augmented back pressure regulators

Steriflow by Jordan Valve
3170 Wasson Road • Cincinnati, OH 45209
513.533.5600 • 800.543.7311 • 513.871.0105 (f)
[email protected] •
Mark 95AA Series
Sanitary Air Augmented Back Pressure Regulators
The Mark 95 with air augmentation (AA) option offers
the same line sizes, Cv choices, seats, low build up
characteristics, and stability of the standard bolted
bonnet Mark 95, but with an advantage. By connect-
ing an air pressure signal to the 1/4" FNPT dome
fitting via an air regulator or I/P, the set point can be
changed remotely by "
sending an air signal instead of
a technician".
The Mark 95AA and Mark 95AAFT gives users the
ability to change pressure set points. Adjustments can
be made with air pressure instead of, or in conjunc-
tion with, manual adjustment of the spring force to any
point in excess of the springs minimum set point (2 psi
on a 3/4" – 1" Mark 95, 3 psi on a 1-1/2", and 5 psi on
a 2"). Users adjust the regulator's spring to the lowest
set point (2 psi on a 3/4" for example), or to the lowest
set pressure that the regulator will normally operate at
(sterilization steam pressure for example), and use air
pressure to charge the setpoint. To lower the set point
to it's previous value, the pressure is reduced in the
same manner.
The Mark 95AA and Mark 95AAFT are used in con-
junction with a Steriflow self relieving I/P for control via
PLC or DCS, or with a JSRLF regulator with self reliev-
ing option (For example - for remote control by valve
mounted on wall, or panel outside of a cleanroom.)
• Reduce project CapEx. Remote regulator opera-
tion reduces the time required for system balanc-
ing, commissioning and validation of SIP and CIP
• Complete range of products for any size or Cv
requirement. The available sizes and Cv's are the
same as the current MK95 product line.
• Mark 95AA and Mark 95AAFT upgrade kits
available for currently istalled MK95 regulators.
• With preset spring, users maintain control in the event
of power (air failure). Valve will return to manual preset.
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y Back
Pressure Regulat
• Minimal build up when compared with
all other spring loaded and air operated
products, especially at higher set points.
• Extended permissible operating range
when compared with all spring loaded and
air load regulators.
The following documentation is shipped with
each order:
• Steriflow Unicert
— Certificate of Material Compliance with
Traceable Material Heat Number for
body and ferrules and MTRs
— Certificate of Compliance to FDA and
USP Class VI
— Certificate of Surface Finish
• Final Test Reports and Certificate of Ori-
gin available upon request at time of order
"Send a signal
not a