Steriflow MK95FT Series User Manual
Mark 95 series, Sanitary back pressure regulators

Steriflow by Jordan Valve
3170 Wasson Road • Cincinnati, OH 45209
513.533.5600 • 800.543.7311 • 513.871.0105 (f)
[email protected] •
Mark 95 Series
Sanitary Back Pressure Regulators
The Mark 95 is available with a hard or soft seat
and a variety of diaphragm and o-ring materials,
making the valve well-suited for virtually any sterile
back pressure application.
The Mark95 operates by sensing the inlet pres-
sure, or back pressure, beneath the diaphragm, as
flow enters from inlet port on the side. As the back
pressure exceeds the setpoint, the diaphragm force
compresses the range spring permitting the stem
to move from the seat toward the open position. As
the flow increases, the back pressure is relieved
and the spring and diaphragm relax, allowing the
stem to return to the normally closed position. If a
different set point is desired, a simple turn of the
adjusting screw will increase or decrease the set-
ting to any set point within the range covered by the
regulator's spring.
CRN Registration Number Available
• Soft seat capability for ANSI Class VI shutoff
• No guiding surfaces in the fluid – prevents par-
ticulate generation
• 100% 316L barstock body and trim
• Self-draining
• No threads to disassemble for cleaning
• Clean-in-Place, Steam-in-Place – dome fea-
tures spring arrangement to allow CIP/SIP
• Remote setpoint capability
• Lifetime warranty on Jorlon diaphragm
The following documentation is shipped with each
• Steriflow Unicert
— Traceable Material Heat Number for body
and ferrules
— Certificate of Compliance to FDA and USP
Class VI
Certificate of Surface Finish
• Final Test Reports and Certificate of Origin
available upon request at time of order
• Standard: 20 Ra µin (0,5 Ra µm) (ASME BPE
SF5) mechanical finish and electropolish on
inside wetted surfaces; machine finish and
electropolish on exterior.
• Optional: 20 Ra µin (0,5 Ra µm) SF5 mechani-
cal finish and electropolish on external surfaces;
8 Ra µin (0,2 Ra µm) finish on internal or exter-
nal finishes and electropolish (Better than SF4)
Spring Housing and Handle
• Standard: machine finished 316SST,
• Optional: 20 Ra µin (0,5 Ra µm) mechanical fin-
ish and electropolish on external surfaces (SF5).
8 Ra µin (0,2 Ra µm) finish on external surfaces
on all sizes and electropolish. (Better than SF4)
Adjusting Screw
• Standard: 32Ra µin electropolished (Note:
adjusting screw is a threaded part)
• Optional: 20 Ra µin (0,5 Ra µm) mechanical
finish and electropolish finish (SF5)
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Pressure Regulat
CRN Registration Number Available