Steriflow Mark 958 Series User Manual
Mark 958 series, Sanitary gas back pressure regulators

Steriflow by Jordan Valve
3170 Wasson Road • Cincinnati, OH 45209
513.533.5600 • 800.543.7311 • 513.871.0105 (f)
[email protected] •
Mark 958 Series
Sanitary Gas Back Pressure Regulators
(3/4" - 1")
The Mark 958 Sanitary Gas Back Pressure Regu-
lator is the ideal valve for low back pressure gas
regulation for blanketing, motive force, or low
pressure sparging in pharmaceutical and food &
beverage applications.
The Mark 958 works in conjunction with the Mark
968 (or other) Pressure reducing valve in these ap-
plications. The Mark 958 can be used to vent gas
from a vessel to prevent the pressure from rising to
a level that could damage the vessel, or cause pro-
cess upset, while maintaining a small constant flow
(if desired) to keep the gas fresh. During vessel
filling - this regulator will be required to open wide
to allow enough gas to escape as the vapor space
in the tank grows smaller. To size properly, the rate
of fill must be known so that a regulator can be
chosen based on its ability to relieve the required
amount of gas while sustaining desired blanketing
pressure. The Mark 958 will also work well in any
other type of low back pressure gas application.
The large diaphragm and lever actuation allows the
Mark 958 to act with higher sensitivity compared to
smaller diaphragm pressure regulators. High sen-
sitivity is important, as the Mark 958 often works
with very low pressure (down to 2" w.c. / 5,0 mbar).
This special actuation improves the accuracy and
shutoff of the valve - two important benefits in this
style of regulator. Together, the SST construction,
FDA-approved seals and the tri-clamp connections
make this valve well suited for sanitary applications
and environments.
• Body rating up to 150 psi (10,3 bar)
• Robust design - emergency outlet pressure
may reach 100% of inlet pressure without dam-
aging valve
• 360° body orientation - valve can be installed
in any position, and can be easily repositioned
while in-line
• Easy maintenance - seat and plug can be in-
spected without removing body from the line
• Completely self-operated - no external power
source required
y V
8 Sanitar
y Gas Back
Pressure Regulat
Line Sizes:
3/4" (DN20) & 1" (DN25)
End Connections
Clamped — ISO/DIN or Tri Clamp
Flanged — 150#, 300#, PN25/40 & sterile flanges
Body & Housing: SA351 Gr. CF8M 316SS, OR
CF3M 316L
Seat: ASTM A479 316/316L
Plug: ASTM A479 316L and FDA-approved Viton
Diaphragm: Viton (FDA)
Aspirator Tube: FDA USP Class VI Teflon
Air or gas
Temperature Range:
-20°F (-29°C) to 200°F (93°C)
Maximum Inlet Pressure:
150 psi (10 bar)
Reduced Pressure Control Range:
2.0 to 6.0 inches w.c. (5,0 to 15,0 mbar)
3.0 to 11.0 inches w.c. (7,5 to 27,4 mbar)
5.0 to 35.0 inches w.c. (12,4 to 87,0 mbar)