Communication ports, Real-time clock, Log memory – SATEC RDM172 Manual User Manual

Page 119: Display module

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Appendix A Technical Specifications

Series PM172 Powermeters


Communication Ports

COM1 (Optional modules)

Serial EIA RS-232 optically isolated port

Isolation: 2,000 V RMS
Connector type: DB9 female.
Baud rate: up to 115.2 kbps.
Supported protocols: Modbus RTU, DNP3, and SATEC ASCII.

RS-422/RS-485 optically isolated port

Isolation: 2,000 V RMS
Connector type: DB9 female.
Baud rate: up to 115.2 kbps.
Supported protocols: Modbus RTU, DNP3, and SATEC ASCII.

Ethernet Port

Transformer-isolated 10/100BaseT Ethernet port.
Connector type: RJ45 modular.
Supported protocols: Modbus/TCP (Port 502), DNP3/TCP (Port 20000), GE
EGD producer.
Number of simultaneous connections: 4 (4 Modbus/TCP or 2 Modbus/TCP +

2 DNP3/TCP).

Dial-up Modem

Transformer-isolated internal 56K modem.
Connector type: RJ11.
Supported protocols: Modbus RTU, DNP3, and SATEC ASCII.

Profibus DP (IEC 61158)

RS-485 optically isolated Profibus interface.
Connector Type: DB9 female.
Baud Rate: 9600 bit/s – 12 Mbit/s (auto detection).
32 bytes input, 32 bytes output.
Supported Protocols: PROFIBUS.


RS-422/RS-485 optically isolated port

Isolation: 2,000 V RMS
Connector type: removable, 5 pins.
Wire size: up to 14 AWG (up to 1.5 mm



Baud rate: up to 115.2 kbps.
Supported protocols: Modbus RTU, DNP3, and SATEC ASCII.

Real-time Clock

Accuracy: typical error 30 seconds per month @ 25



Log Memory

Onboard memory with battery backup: 1 Mbytes.

Display Module

Display: high-brightness seven-segment digital LEDs, two 4-digit + one

6-digit windows
Keypad: 6 push buttons