Mpt process types, Mpt process types 69 – MTS Series 793 Controller User Manual

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MPT Process Types

MTS Series 793 Controller Overview

Operation Concepts


MPT Process Types

Command Processes









Segment Command

Produces a monotonic command signal.

Cyclic Command

Produces a cyclic command signal.

Dwell Command

Produces a dwell (or hold) command signal.


Produces a command signal based on the contents of a “profile”
created with a text editor or the Profile Editor application.

External Command

Enables a command signal from an external program source.

Sine Sweep

Produces a cyclic command signal that sweeps from one
frequency to another.

Signal Based Command

Allows you to generate command based on signal values

specified in a predefined lookup table. The lookup table is

contained in a tab-delimited text file which defines the
relationship between command and signal values.

Profile with ALC (Optional)

Produces an ALC compensated command signal based on the
contents of a “profile” created with a text editor or the Profile

Editor application.

Cyclic with ALC (Optional)

Produces an ALC compensated cyclic command signal.

Time History Output

Produces a command signal based on an MTS RPC II or RPC III

time history file. This process can also perform time history data

acquisition synchronized with the command.

Road Surface Output

Produces a command signal that controls multiple station

channels with an MTS RPC II, RPC III, or RPC Pro Road

Surface file.