MTS Series 793 Controller User Manual
Page 55

Using the Station Manager Application to Create
MTS Series 793 Controller Overview
Operation Concepts
Using the Station Manager Application to Create Parameter Sets
When you optimize your station configuration with the Station Manager
application, you perform many of the activities required to perform a test: You
apply power to the station, manually position the actuator, apply tuning
programs, monitor waveforms, and so forth. While doing these activities you
adjust parameter values accordingly, which you save with your station
You typically perform the following activities to optimize a station configuration
while creating a parameter set.
Creating sensor files
To begin creating a parameter set, you typically:
Create and assign calibration files for sensors with on-board conditioning
Adjust conditioner values for sensors with external conditioning
Balancing the
For optimal system performance, you should check and adjust the servovalve
before performing tests.
Balancing the servovalve is the process of optimizing communication between
the valve driver and servovalve. During installation, your servovalve is typically
balanced at its midstroke position. The signal values in your parameter set reflect
that initial procedure. For optimal performance, you should balance the
servovalve again after you position the actuator to the test start position.
Adjusting dither
You may also need to adjust dither. Dither is a low-amplitude, high-frequency
sine wave that the controller applies to the servovalve spool. Dither keeps the
spool in motion so it operates smoothly and doesn’t stick to its cylinder walls. It
is especially useful for tests that use small amplitude commands.
Setting detectors
Before installing the specimen, you should set detector limits and actions to
minimize the risk of injury to yourself and damage to your specimen. After you
install the specimen, you adjust your detectors to accommodate your test design.
Tuning control modes
You need to install the specimen before you adjust force tuning because force
turning involves every element of the force-train, and requires closed-loop