Metal Sales Image II Installation User Manual
Important information

© Metal Sales Manufacturing Corporation / Subject to change without notice, effective 6/2011
Important Information
The application and detail drawings in this manual
are strictly for illustration purposes and may not be
applicable to all building designs or product installa-
tions. All projects should conform to applicable build-
ing codes for that particular area.
Metal Sales Manufacturing Corporation is not
responsible for the performance of the metal panel
system if it is not installed in accordance with the sug-
gested instructions referenced in this manual. If there
is a conflict between this manual and the approved
Metal Sales' erection drawings, the approved erection
drawings are to take precedence.
Prior to ordering and installing materials, all dimen-
sions should be verified by field measurements.
Oil canning is not a cause for rejection.
Metal Sales reserves the right to modify, without
notice, any details, recommendations or suggestions.
This manual is designed to be utilized as a guide when
installing a Image II Roof System.