Metal Sales Classic Rib Installation User Manual
Classic rib, Install guide, Safety

The installation of metal roof systems is a dangerous procedure and should be supervised by trained knowl-
edgeable erectors. USE EXTREME CARE WHILE INSTALLING ROOF PANELS. It is not possible for Metal
Sales to be aware of all the possible job site situations that could cause an unsafe condition to exist. The erec-
tor of the roof system is responsible for reading these instructions and determining the safest way to install the
roof system.
These instructions are provided only as a guide to show a knowledgeable, trained erector the correct part
placement one to another. If following any of the installation steps would endanger a worker, the erector should
stop work and decide upon a corrective action.
Provide required safety railing, netting, or safety lines for crew members working on the roof.
Do not use the roof panel as a walking platform. The roof panels will not withstand the weight of a person
standing at the edge of the panel.
Do not stand on the roof panel until the panels have been attached.
The application and detail drawings in this manual are strictly for illustration purposes and may not be appli-
cable to all building designs or product installations. All projects should conform to applicable building codes
for that particular area. It is recommended to follow all building regulations and standard industry practices.
Metal Sales Manufacturing Corporation is not responsible for the performance of the roof system if it is
not installed in accordance with the suggested instructions referenced in this installation manual or in the
product overview. (See Product Manual or Product Technical Literature). If there is a conflict between this
manual and the actual erection drawings, the erection drawings are to take precedence.
Prior to ordering and installing materials, all dimensions should be verified by field measurements.
Metal Sales reserves the right to modify, without notice, any details, recommendations or suggestions. Any
questions you may have regarding proper installation of the roofing system should be directed to your Metal
Sales representative, see pages 2 and 3.
Consult Metal Sales for any additional information not outlined in this manual.
This manual is designed to be utilized as a guide when installing Post Frame and Residential roofing sys-
It is the responsibility of the erector to ensure the safe installation of this product system.
Classic Rib
Install Guide