Det-Tronics U9500 Infiniti Gas Transmitter User Manual
Page 20

Table 8—Infiniti Modes of Operation (Continued)
Operating Mode Description
The Reset mode is entered by holding the Cal magnet to the side of the transmitter enclosure next to CAL/RESET
on the display face of the unit.
• Standard – When the Cal magnet is held there for less than one second, the alarm indicators turn off and all
relay outputs return to their normal condition if no alarms or faults are occurring.
• Forced – When the Cal magnet is held there for 1 to 2 seconds, the alarm indicators turn off and the relay
outputs return to their normal condition even if an alarm or fault condition still exists.
• Remote – Activating the remote reset switch for less than 2 seconds initiates a forced reset. If “YES
EXT CAL” was selected during the setup procedure, the external reset input initiates the setpoint
display cycle when activated for over two seconds.
Setpoint Display
When the Cal magnet is held to the side of the transmitter enclosure next to CAL/RESET for more than two
seconds, the transmitter enters the Setpoint Display mode. Once in this mode, the Cal magnet can be removed.
The Setpoint Display sequence will complete automatically. (The external reset input terminal can also be used
to initiate the setpoint display and calibration mode if “YES EXT CAL” was selected during the setup procedure.)
In this mode:
• The display sequentially shows the programmed alarm setpoints and calibration gas concentration.
• Each value is displayed for approximately 1.5 seconds.
• After completing the sequence, the transmitter automatically returns to the Normal operating mode if the Cal
magnet is no longer being held to the unit (or the external reset input is not activated).
If the CAL/RESET switch (or external reset input) is still activated at the end of this cycle, the transmitter
automatically enters the Calibrate mode. If a calibration is not performed, a CAL ABORTED fault will occur. To
exit the Calibrate mode without performing the calibration, cycle power or wait for the calibration fault message,
then reset the unit.
The Setpoint Display mode is used only for displaying the setpoints. Use the “Setup” mode for changing setpoint
and calibration gas values.
Auto Calibration
Auto calibration is the default setting and the recommended calibration method for all sensors except for Chlorine
) and Sulfur Dioxide (SO
). Auto calibration is required for use with PointWatch.
• Auto Cal is an automatic calibration procedure that requires no adjustments by the operator. The Calibrate
mode is entered by holding the Cal magnet to the CAL/RESET magnetic switch until completion of the “Setpoint
Display” sequence described above (approximately 7 seconds). (The external reset input terminal can also be
used to enter the calibrate mode if “YES EXT CAL” was selected during the Setup procedure. Activate the input
until completion of the “Setpoint Display” sequence.)
• For calibration of the Infiniti with the C7065E O
sensor, there are two modes of Auto Calibration available:
1. Initial / Sensor Replacement Calibration
2. Routine Calibration
Use Option #1 for new sensor start-up or after replacing a sensor. Use Option #2 for all subsequent calibrations
after Option #1 has been completed.
• The transmitter performs the Zero adjustments, then signals the operator when to apply and also when to
remove the calibration gas. Upon completion of a successful calibration, the transmitter automatically returns
to the Normal operating mode.
• If the operator fails to complete the calibration procedure, if an error in calibrating occurs, or if a successful
calibration cannot be completed, the transmitter will automatically return to the Normal mode and continue to
use the previous calibration data (after 10 minutes or when the gas level drops below the lowest alarm setpoint).
A fault indication will be displayed until a reset occurs.
• If the microprocessor determines that the sensor cell is approaching the end of its useful life, the message “SEN
AT EOL” will be indicated on the display. A fault indication will be displayed until a reset occurs.
• While in the Calibrate mode, all transmitter outputs are inhibited and the dc current output goes to a preset
level (adjustable from 0 to 20 mA, with a default value of 2.0 mA). See “Setup” section for complete calibration